So I noticed:

I did not realize that Neocities promoted their sites to other users within the network, because when I checked my email I was notified of comments and followers to this site... and I was like: "people are finding this shit site?" So I may as well make the following PSA: These comics are for ADULTS due to profanity and some jokes can be pretty dark, so anyone who has a sensitive sense of humor should not read these. Thank you for your time! We now return to our regular programming.

Well now...

Well lookie here! I am on NeoCities! A play on GeoCities... the good ol' days where personal websites were king, so it looks like I've come full circle. At least NeoCities allows way more space and bandwidth then the GeoCities of yore... back then my Gundam Wing fan page stretched across at least 4 accounts! Anyway this is an archive of my webcomics and rant articals from 2007-2011. Each web comic has a date and small editorial to add context, as these comics revolved around the current events of the time. The rants in the Chibits sections reflected my opinions at the time... in my mid-twenties I thought I knew it all.... boy does time take it's toll. So enjoy this slice of the mid-2000's timeline.


Yo I am Howard, the original rat plushie that took over the house. I still exist even though it is through the imagination of a magical unicorn that I just made up right now. This archive truly is a chronicle of my greatness, the fact it has not gotten it�s own section in a internet museum is criminal, though I have found myself here and there on the Way Back Machine. Anyway enjoy the comics and rant articles, Chibi Neko really was that young and stupid... the hell... she�s still out to lunch!


Oh my oh my oh MY! I see HTML! The most primitive of coding languages! And I seen BASIC and Perl! At least Chibi Neko tells me of these things! Howard is still and asshole, Cheetor smells and Daisy... well I thought Daisy was dead. Anyway what has the past decade offline has taught me? Soap is awesome, raisins suck, and the sun is more dangerous then ever! I WARNED YOU PEOPLE! Oh I have to return to my sleeping bag... my meds are in there. It�s great to be alive... I think.

Ebay Rules!

I like farts

At least I recall I do.... it's been so long.


Chirp Chirp, tweet, tweet.... or X, X and X??

Trailer Park Boys still rock.

Think they are cute? Wait till you see the daddy!
The old counter was 08/23/05. Here is the new one!
� Copyright 2011 Chibi Neko's Cat Basket